Friday, March 21, 2008


THEREFORE.AM BETA EPISODE 16, live weekday mornings at 6 a.m. EST

*** SHOW PAGE***


Aloha, it's just barely March 21, and welcome to episode 16 of on today's show,

Starbucks owes its Calif. employees $100 million in pilfered tip money ...

Also, a new study suggests that buying stuff makes you happy, if you buy it for someone else.

Plus, a woman with the worst karma in the world is killed when a stingray jumps in her boat.

Also, think death is the final escape from the digital age? think again. New gadgets are making graveside memorials into mini-post-mortom myspace pages.

finally someone or somethree have been pilfering through Barack Obama's passport file ... what do they know, and how much will hillary and/or mccain be willing to bid for it?

All this, and Jeff surfs the websters and gives us his quote of the day, all coming up on

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In the midst of a successful, albeit difficult to Google, 12-year professional career as a newsroom manager for a slew of daily newspapers, Curt decided it was time to siphon back some of the creative spotlight, and "wow" readers with his deft improvisational typing. "Digital Slob" debuted in 2002.

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